Student Health

For the well being of all students, children should remain at home if they are ill. Below are some general guidelines to help you decide if you should keep your child home from school:

Keep at Home Send to School See a Doctor
Fever above 100° Ear infection; no pain Undiagnosed skin rash
Vomits more than once Infrequent diarrhea Eye infection
Flu: body aches, fever, headache Minor cold (runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat)
Cold sores (Sore covered)
Infestation of scabies, lice (After treatment begins)
Strep throat (After 24 hours of medication)
Vague "I don't feel good" symptoms

The school has no way of providing for children who are ill except to contact the parent or emergency contact and request they be picked up and taken home. For this reason, it is critical that the school have current parent/guardian contact informationon file.

Please notify the school office if your child is staying home due to illness.


All medications, including aspirin, Tylenol, cough/cold medicines, etc., must be left in the office.Each medication must be in its original container and marked with the child's name, dosage, and time to be taken. Only the school nurse can give non-prescription medications to students who submit a completed Consent Form. The school nurse will be on site Monday and Tuesday. A health technician is on site Monday through Friday to distribute medications in the school nurse's absence..

Prescription medications must be accompanied by physician's orders that include exact dosage and, as mentioned above, must be in the original container. These requirements help protect your child by ensuring administration of the correct medication and dosage.

Student Insurance

SDUSD does not carry medical or dental insurance for students injured on school grounds, while under school jurisdiction, or while participating in school district activities. However, the district does provide access to optional accident insurance. Student insurance booklets are available in the office upon parent request.

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